University of Alberta Chapter
The University of Alberta chapter of IYSES is dedicated to fostering community engagement through events and opportunities for joining our organization.
About Our Chapter
Explore our events and activities, and learn how you can get involved.
Events and Initiatives
Learn about how we're engaging local youth in STEM current events.
IYSES Youth Case Competition (IYCC)
IYCC is a full-day case competition organized and held in collaboration with IYSES, where high school youth in the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada area can present a STEM research-backed solution to a current problem.
May 4, 2025. University of Alberta North Campus
IYSES / NeuroReach Scientific Literature Comprehension Series
The Scientific Literature Comprehension series is a series of fun, short videos intended to help a high school and early undergraduate audience more easily and effectively comprehend scientific literature released in academic journals. This video series is being made in collaboration with other student groups at the University of Alberta, including NeuroReach.
First video to be released March 14, 2025

IYSES Research Night Presentations
These are virtual, recurring sessions featuring University professors who will present on current events within their field and their own contributions through research.
Next Date/Time TBA Upon Sufficient Interest
Location Info
Visit us at the University of Alberta for events and membership details about our chapter.
University of Alberta, Edmonton