Our Events

Learn more about and register for our in-person and virtual events here.

IYSES aims to make all events as accessible as possible, so the majority of our events are free to attend.

white chair lot
white chair lot

IYSES Youth Case Competition (IYCC)

IYCC is a full-day case competition organized and held in collaboration with the IYSES University of Alberta chapter, where high school youth in the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada area can present a STEM research-backed solution to a current problem.

May 4, 2025. University of Alberta North Campus
empty chairs in theater
empty chairs in theater

IYSES Research Night Presentations

These are virtual, recurring sessions held in collaboration with IYSES chapters featuring University professors who will present on current events within their field and their own contributions through research.

Next Date/Time TBA Upon Sufficient Interest
refill of liquid on tubes
refill of liquid on tubes

Career Exploration Webinar Series

These are virtual, recurring sessions featuring students and other professionals in various fields who will present on their experiences, with the intention to provide insight into different career options and post-secondary experiences.

Next Date/Time TBA Upon Sufficient Interest
macbook pro on blue table
macbook pro on blue table

Past Events

Learn more about what events we have already held, and contact us if you'd like for any of these to be brought back.

Webinar: Careers in Law

A webinar conducted as a part of our career exploration series intended to provide insight into different career options and post-secondary experiences. Doctor of Law candidate, Queenie Chen, spoke on her experiences.

July 25, 2021, 7:00-8:00 PM MST. Virtual.

STEM Keynote Panel

A webinar conducted as a part of our career exploration series intended to provide insight into different career options and post-secondary experiences. Several speakers, including undergraduates from Harvard and a Cornell graduate, shared their experiences in computer sciences, business, and mathematics.

July 28, 2021, 7:30-8:30 PM MST. Virtual.

Webinar: Careers in Marketing

A webinar conducted in collaboration with Spectrum International as a part of our career exploration series intended to provide insight into different career options and post-secondary experiences. Shreyansh Bhatt, a MBA candidate, discussed his experience.

August 22, 2021, 9:30-10:30 AM MST. Virtual.

Remote Sensing and GIS

A webinar conducted in collaboration with Spectrum International where Dr. Dhanjit Deka from Gauhati University spoke about remote sensing, GIS, and careers in geoscience.

September 5, 2021, 9:30-10:30 AM MST. Virtual.

Contact Us for Events

Reach out to us for inquiries about our events or for custom event requests you would like us to consider.

For Inquiry:
